Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Yesterday when we were at the doctor we had Eli weighed. I was surprised at what she said because the last time we were in he had lost weight, and was sitting at about the 50th percentile. Well he's put some weight on and he's now sitting at about the 70th percentile. I could care less about the percentile thing, Im just glad his weight is up! The nurse said "Good job, whatever you guys are doing, keep doing it!!" Which is funny because Eli is having eating issues and I feel like he's not eating enough!

It was also good because when I mentioned I was surprised because we're having some issues right now she said that thats normal at this age and the best thing to do is let them make the decisions. Not to force them to eat, because sometimes that makes it worse. I've told Andy this before, but I know he worries when Eli doesnt eat so often times he tries to make him eat when its quite obvious Eli will have no part of it. Im glad he heard this from someone else other than me.

The weather today is exactly how Im feeling. Gloomy. Funny how that happens hey? Eli woke up at 4:30a.m, and then fell back asleep but woke up at 5:00ish and was not going back to bed. Since Andy had to be up in half an hour he got up with him for a bit and then tried putting him back to bed once he needed to get ready for school. Eli was quiet for maybe 10 minutes and that was the end of it. We got up until 7a.m, and then went back to bed. I was happy that he slept for over 2 hours. He needed it.

His ears are still draining, and I feel so bad for the kid. No one likes crusty ears, or wet ears! Which right now he has both. Draining out, and then drying. Im trying to keep on top of it, but between the nose and the ears running its hard to keep on top of.

We have no schedule whatsoever today! I dont remember the last time Eli got up at 5:30a.m (sorry to the parents that get up at 5:30a.m every day!!) so he's tired. He's currently back down for a nap, so we'll see how long it lasts! I think when someone is sick, the best thing for them is sleep... so if he can get to sleep and stay asleep thats great, Ill let him sleep as long as he needs to!

Im hoping by tomorrow his ears will be doing better. I had someone suggest to me trying Colidial Silver in his ears, and actually the naturopath that we saw said its worth a try. I dont have any right now, but Im considering picking some up. Its hard to know what to do. Go with the ear drops perscribed, or take things into our own hands? The good thing with the silver is it only kills the bad bacteria, not the good.

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Jeremy, Lacy, Bethany and Cody said...

I would try the Colidial Silver, that stuff can do amazing things! And even if it doesn't help in this situation, it won't hurt it at all....

How are you feeling today? I had to get my 4 molars pulled before I got braces. It was along time ago, but I don't remember it being that bad. I hope you heal and Eli gets better soon!

Love You!