Friday, October 1, 2010

4:00 a.m wake up call

So Eli woke up at 4am this morning. His whining atually started earlier, around 3:30a.m. Finally, I got up and changed his diaper and tried to put him back down. Not happening. I took his blankie and put it across my shoulder and he put his head down. I couldnt believe it! He was cuddling with me! This never happens. So I just held him. Finally, once my arms got tired I tried to put him down. Not happening. He started to cry. This went on for a good couple of hours. He just wanted me to hold him. Since he never wants that I sat in his room and just held him. Every now and then he'd play with the sleeve on my shirt, and let out a few little moans and then fall asleep in my arms! I felt so blessed by this time I had with him! I dont know what changed or what as wrong but all he wanted was his head to be on the blankie which was on my shoulder or chest.

Finally at 5:30a.m, I put him in his crib, he started crying but I just patted his chest, and shhhed him. He finally fell asleep,after doing that twice. He ended up sleeping until 9a.m which was nice, but Im feeling tired now.

Crossing my fingers he doesnt pull that tomorrow morning, but we'll see!!

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