Monday, January 21, 2013

Exhaustion, Lia Sophia, 17 Day Diet

Today I feel like I kind of have an excuse for not posting for so long.
My excuse . . .
Judah. Not. Sleeping.

Last night was the first time he had a decent sleep in weeks. Yes weeks!!

He hit a growth spirt a few weeks ago, and since then he has continued to wake up multiple times. When I say multiple I mean like on an average night it would be 4, 5 or 6 times I would have to haul my butt out of bed to go into his room. Can you say exhaustion? Yes, complete exhaustion. Its incredible how lack of sleep can make you feel like a horrible, mom, and wife. And on top if that it sure can make you super hormonal. I feel like Ive been on auto pilot since Christmas. Just doing because I didnt have a choice. Survival mode.

He came down with that great ear infection, and after his round of antibiotics we decided we would do something about his crummy sleeping. Well, we tried... and I suppose we failed. We tried letting him cry it out, but once Eli woke up one night after 45 minutes of crying I caved, went in and fed him. After speaking to the doctor to confirm my thought, she agreed, theres no way a 20 pound baby needs to eat in the night. But he is waking up because he thinks its a scheduled eat time, and the only way he can go back to sleep is if he eats. We tried watering down his bottle, and that didnt work. Most nights he would gulp it back no problem, or he would get right mad and cry and cry and cry.

Last night he went to bed an hour and a half later than usual. 8pm. He had 8 ounces to eat, and then slept till 3:00am. I fed him, and put him back to bed and he slept till 7:30am. See, the one night waking I can handle. But 4, 5, or 6 times I cannot. That is not okay with me. On top of the bad night time sleep, he would nap horribly during the day. At the end of the day Im exhausted, and then upon going to bed it starts all over again. I. Just. Dont. Get. It!

So thats my excuse for not posting in over a week!!

I have decided to do something. A few months ago I had a jewelry party through Lia Sophia. The perks were incredible, and I got so much free jewelry. My party was a great hit, and there was $1000 spent and I got over $800 in free jewelry!

After going back and forth with it I decided that Id take a whack at selling it. The kits were half price in January so for $82 I got over $1000 in jewelry and everything that I needed to get started. Im nervous but excited. I have the opportunity to bring in some sort of income, and get out of the house. Plus have nice jewelry, and feel good.
Here's my website if you want to take a peek:

And finally one more thing I have to put out there. I dont really want to, but I dont think Ill get the kick in the butt that I need if Im not totally honest! Lets talk about ... weight.

After having 2 kids, I ready to loose the extra weight. I think so many moms after having babies just accept they'll never be able to loose the baby weight, and have that extra weight around the midsection. I did after Eli, and started to loose weight after having him and then got pregnant again when I finally got disciplined to do it. Ive watched alot of youtube videos of weight loss transformations, and I want to be one of those! I have at least 20 pounds I want to loose, maybe an extra 10 on top of that. I'd like to go with how I feel, and how I look instead of by the scale.

A few years ago, I picked up the 17 Day Diet book, and started doing it. You can loose up to 10 pounds in the first week by cutting out sugar and carbs. So Im going to start with the 17 Day Diet again, plus working out, and maybe look into a few other things for working out and loosing weight. I plan on taking pictures and measurements along the way to keep a before and after on hand!! Ill keep you posted on how it goes!! Today is Day 1.

I have to run, Judah Bear just woke up for a 45 minute nap, and is now whining. If anyone has any tips for me on any of the above stuff... weight loss, or baby sleep, PLEASE fill me in!!

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