Friday, June 18, 2010

For the love of cinnimon

So Eli really loves cinnimon. I put it in his applesauce, sometimes in his yogurt, and today I even put it on some of his tofu that he had for lunch. I know what your thinking, "Eeew, tofu!!" Yup, I know, but he was quite content to eat it with the cinnimon, and its protein that he needs. Its easy, and they even have dessert tofu so it comes in different fruit flavors! He loved the mango/peace tofu yesterday!
Back to the cinnimon. I've decided to take Eli's clothes off when he eats because he makes such a mess, and I hate fighting over who gets to feed him. Mom or Eli. Eli wins, I give up! This is what happens though when Eli eats cinnimon, and it comes in contact with his skin.

It doesnt seem to bother him, so I'm not too worried about it! If he was in pain then I'd be concerned, but we just need to make sure we dont give him any cinnimon before we go out somewhere. It kind of looks like burns! All for the love of cinnimon!


Signtopia said...

You need to be concerned. The rash and or hives is a warning to you that your child is allergic to cinnamon or cassia. Cassia is often used in place of cinnamon products even though the product would say it is cinnamon. The reason you should worry is that your child could at some point develop the same problems on the inside of the body where you cannot see it.......and end up with restricted airways, etc.

For rashes and hives, a child's dose of oral Benadryl should make the rash go away quicker. I would definately say that your child is allergic to cinnamon or cassia and I would make sure that you keep him away from it. Definately check with your pediatrician.

Take care.

Karla said...

Really? I didnt think it was anything to be concerned about? Hmmm, I'll make sure to talk to the pediatrican next time we see him. Thanks I appreciate it!