Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What a busy day

What a day!

This morning we had our first heart to heart start up. Its a potluck brunch and what could be better than visiting with a bunch of woman and eating?! I really enjoy Wednesday mornings, and I think that this year God is really going to speak to me regarding some issues in my life! Im excited, but nervous to see what He has to say to me!

Eli generally does very well in the nursery, but this morning about 15 minutes before things were wrapped up one of the ladies came and grabbed me and said he needed me. He was beyond tired and ready to go. Unforunately for him, we had his 3 month check up for his ears in just under 2 hours so no nap was in store yet. We came home, I fed him lunch (which every meal these days consists of oatmeal and some fruit!!) and off we went. I have myself 40 minutes to get there and it was just enough time... and of course Eli fell asleep on the way there. He hasnt done that in months (fall asleep in the car) but today he did. This may sound funny but I felt incredibly blessed to watch my little boy sleep in his car seat while we drove to the hospital. Eli never sleeps anywhere but his crib so I dont usually get a chance to watch him be peaceful and quiet. For those of you that know our little boy, you'll also know he never stops moving! He is always on the go! He slept almost the whole way to the hospital.

So, we arrive at the clinic for 12:40p.m, just in time. The waiting room is beyond full, hot and stuffy!! Great! Eli played really well for the first half, but wanted to go exploring for the second half. One by one, the room cleared out until it was me and another woman and her daughter waiting. 45 minutes from our appointment we were still in the waiting room and Eli was starting to get antsy (as was I!!) at one point Eli and I were playing and he was giggling and I had a lady tell us to be quiet because they were doing call backs. Let me tell you I wanted to snap and say "We've been waiting for almost an hour, if he is happy and giggling Im not going to makehim be quiet." Unreasonable? Regardless, I told Eli to be quiet, put the soother in his mouth and tried to keep him occupied.

Finally we were called in by a resident who looked in his ears, and said he'd be right back. 15 minutes later he returned with our dr who did Eli's surgery. This dr is incredible! Honestly! He looked in Eli's ears while Eli was standing, and had no issues with it one bit! He said things looked great, and if he gets a discharge coming out of his ears (which is common over winter) just to call and come in to see him. Then Dr.Eksteen crouched down to Eli's level and asked for a high five, instead Eli walked into his arms and hugged him!!!! Too cute! Made my heart warm! So off we went, our appointment was supposed to be at 12:40p.m, and we didnt leave until 2:00p.m! However, the incredible care of our dr made it worth it. I was so proud of Eli because although he had his times of acting like he is 2 years old (terrible 2's anyone!?) he did really well and listened!

Now we're home and Eli is down for a nap, and the house is quiet! Im glad to be relaxing, and although its 3p.m I should probably make myself some lunch or else Ill be getting crabby!!4

Just a little too big, but he wanted in!!

                            Nothing like dumping the whole box of Q tips!! Doesnt he look proud!?

1 comment:

E. Tyler Rowan said...

Oh man, those appointments are killer, aren't they?! The worst part is that you KNOW you'll be waiting forever yet don't dare show up late b/c then you'll get to wait forever and a day!

I really can't believe the receptionist asked you to be quiet! I probably would not have had the same control over my tongue as you did!

And just so you're warned, the terrible twos tend to lead into the terrorizing threes. ;)