Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dry Socket

Last night I decided that the pain in my mouth was too much. I called the dentist this morning and they got me in right away. The verdict: Dry Socket. One is worse than the other but both of them are not in good condition.

Dry Socket: Any socket in which a patient is having pain due to the loss of the blood clot thus exposing the bone to air, food, and fluids along with an offensive odor. This often occurs two or more days after an extraction and can last about 5-6 days. It is normal to have soreness and discomfort following an extraction. This condition exist when a blood clot is dislodged from the surgery site thus exposing the bone and fine nerve endings. The blood clot helps in the stopping of bleeding and lays the foundation or framework for new tissue and bone to develop over a two-month healing process. This condition is more common in the mandibular area and in back teeth due to poorer circulation in this area, with wisdom teeth being the most common site. Dry socket delays the healing process.

For me its the constant throbbing and pain around the area. I had someone tell me "If you have dry socket, you'll know because you'll be in so much pain." After googling some information I had pretty much self diagnosed myself, (we all do that right?!) but thought I should go in, because if I was correct they need to pack the root area with some nasty tasting stuff. And when I say nasty, its gross... kind of tastes like really strong cloves. So he filled the holes with it, and makes sure its in tight enough to protect the area. Gave me a perscription for the pain and off I went. Just feeling a tad bit traumatized.

Andy wants to do some work on the house, however Im not feeling too hot at the moment. We'll see how the day goes I guess!!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Feel better soon Karla!
I'm praying for your mouth <3