Wednesday, March 7, 2012

21 weeks, 1 day

Iam now 21 weeks. Where does time go? Seriously? Feels like this pregnancy has gone by so much faster than with Eli.

Im trying to enjoy this pregnancy as much as possible, because our plan is to only have 2 kids, and chances are this will probably be the last time Iam pregnant. Last week I had an acupuncture appointment, and spoke to my acupuncturist about the sciatic nerve issues I was having. She worked on me pretty hard, but I havent had the pain like I was having in over a week. At times my leg/butt will ache but not piercing pain like I was having!! This is such a relief!

Our little guy is busy in there. Im feeling him move around more and more! Im starting to feel it from the outside of my stomach, which is also neat for Andy to feel.

Last week I mentioned that Im starting to get itchy. Well this week, its waaaay worse. Last night I woke up scratching my stomach and sides. The amount of coca butter Im applying is making my stomach feel soggy, like it cant absorb anymore, however my stomach still itches!! Ugh. But Im trying to remind myself to enjoy the ride!

Here is a 21 week picture. Not great again, but here it is!

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