Friday, July 13, 2012

Chiropractor adjustment

I decided a few days ago that making an appointment to go see a chiropractor probably wouldn't be a bad idea. Since baby hasnt dropped yet, I thought maybe there might be a possibility that something is out of line with my pelvis. The appointment went very good (apart from Eli throwing a huge tantrum upon leaving!!) and the chiropractor that I saw was able to make a few adjustments.

He told me that the round ligaments on my left side were very tight, which can make it difficult for baby to drop, and also cause more pain for me. Lots of tightness. He was able to adjust that, and make a few adjustments to my middle back. Overall my neck and shoulders were good. That surprised me because usually its my shoulders that I have some issues with.

Upon getting up this morning, as well as in the middle of the night to pee, I noticed that it was way easier to waddle myself to the bathroom, my hips and back didnt feel anywhere near as tight as they did before the adjustment. Around 9:30am though, I started having some crazy round ligament pain on my left side. If you've been pregnant you know that this nagging pain is really no fun at all. I tried stretching it out, taking a bath, laying down for a few minutes... nothing really helped. Finally it went away on its own, but continues to come back. I called my midwife and left a message just asking her to call me. Im curious to find out if there is a correlation between the pain Im having and my chiro adjustment. Baby is still moving, and the pain has subsided somewhat. The chiropractor said to me a few times before I left, "Well we'll see what this weekend brings for you." So we'll see.

We have a weekend with basically no plans, and Im really looking forward to it. Its cooler today (and very smokey too, apparently theres a fire about 900KM away from Edmonton!!) but Im feeling way more comfortable than I had been earlier in the week. There was a crazy thunderstorm the other night, which kept me away from 12:00amish to 4:30am. It was a long night. Eli slept through it, which surprised me, but me on the other hand could not. Next week is also supposed to be cooler, so thats a huge relief. I shouldn't complain, as I dont have much longer to be pregnant, and should just enjoy it while I can. I feel like Im a comment magnet everywhere we go though, everyone has a comment about the heat and being pregnant and good luck and blah blah blah. Kind of funny, but after awhile gets exhausting. It'll be nice when I can go out and not have people stare at me.

Tuesday is my due date, and we continue to wait. We'll see what this little person decides to do over the weekend, but if I go MIA past Monday chances are something has happened.... maybe we had a baby!! Enjoy the weekend!!

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