Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A few things I've noticed

Eli is still not feeling 100%, I'm hoping we're on the mend. Today is going to consist of a very naked bum for the majority of the day! I want to tackle this issue!

So although he is quite sick right now he has started to do some really cute things! Its neat at almost a year old he's starting to communicate with us and realize certain things that we do! One thing he loves to do is pretend to talk on the phone! He loves the phone period, and putting it up to his ear. He then hands it to me, and I pretend to talk on the phone and hang it back to him, then he hangs it up. He's also started to pretend anything and everything is the phone, like my bronzer! He grabbed it and put it up to his ear.

Yesterday I gave him my cell phone to hold, and then realized I couldn't find it anywhere! He has a great way of hiding things. So I'm going around the house looking everything. Laundry baskets, in between the couch cushions, behind the couch, in the bathroom... no where could I find it! Finally after 25 minutes of looking for it I asked him "Did you hide my cell phone, Eli?" He looks at me, smiles and says "Yah." all while nodding! As a last resort I got down on my hands and needs and looked around the kitchen floor, sure enough underneath the oven!! Too funny! Its very neat to see how he is interacting with us and starting to understand (to a certain extent!) what we're saying! I love it!

One last thing that Andy and I have noticed in our little guy is that he loves taking things off of a shelf, or out of a cupboard, or where ever and once he's pulled it off he will try to place it back where he got it! This just consists of things like pots & pans, (and not always!) the rice container from the pantry, my make up which he pulls out of a little box and puts it into a make up bag! Its too cute! However it does not mean he's putting his toys away back into the place where he pulled them out of, but it sure is cute!

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