Friday, October 15, 2010

Trip Update

I have to be quick. So here is the low down of our trip so far!

Eli did incredible on Wednesday flying. He fell asleep on our second flight as we took off and slept for close to 45 minutes. Between my mom and I we were able to keep him pretty occupied! I was so proud of him, and I can say that God answered my prayers when it comes to my anxiety and flying with Eli. He was such a champ!

The first night we were here, Eli fell asleep great, not one peep out of him but he woke up a few times in the night. Im not used to sleeping right next to him so I didnt sleep well either.

Last night, Eli refused to go to sleep. There is a 2 hour time difference here, but still he refused to go down. We took him for 2 car rides, both of which he fell asleep on but once we got him into the house and in his crib he lost it. Finally at 11p.m I had to put him in his crib to cry himself to sleep. I think he feels very confused as to where we are, who these people are and whats going on. I think he also really misses his daddy. He keeps grabbing a picture off the coffee table which has the 3 of us (me, andy, & eli) in it, and carries it around saying daddy.

Because my aunt and uncle are quite a bit older in their mid 80's they cant do as much... however let me tell you they took us to the market and we walked the whole thing!

Mom and I went and did out own day trip and visited with an elderly couple we know which was a huge blessing! I felt so blessed by them, and Eli enjoyed his time too. He fell asleep twice in the car while we were driving, so we just continued to drive.

All in all, things are going okay. Im feeling very homesick, and having a clingy, crabby baby is hard. My aunt is disappointed we leave on Monday and that we're not staying longer, but I feel as though we could've probably left a day earlier. Its a blessing to be here, and Idont know when we'd be able to come back. One things for sure though, I couldnt be more happy that my mom is with us. I dont know what I was thinking when I considered doing this trip on my own! There are a few times (okay waaay more than a few!!) that she's rescued me, and given me a break from my little cling on!

Im praying Eli goes down better tonight than he did last night, but we'll see... I have a feeling he is just so out of sorts and confused that he may have to cry himself to sleep. Which is stressfull for all of us!

Sorry that its been a few days, but we're keeping so busy, and with Eli being attached at my hip I barely have any time to go to the bathroom!! Ill post soon Im sure!

Please pray for Eli that he sleeps well, and the rest of the trip will go fast for him. Pray that I have patience and know how to handle overwhelming situations!! Thanks!

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