Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Luck of timing

Last week when my mom babysat Eli, she got him to go pee on the potty. Once he was done, he proceeded to take some toilet paper and wipe.... apparently he's seen his mom pee a bit too often.

Today, Eli came to me and said "poo poo" I said "Do you have to go poo poo?" he said "Yup," so I replied "Okay lets go poo on the potty, c'mon Eli!" Off we went to the bathroom, quickly... took his diaper off and plopped him on the potty, the big potty even. He hopped off and I put him back on, and told him to push. Well he did, and sure enough he pooped on the potty. He told me was done, and I wiped his bum, which he decided he also needed to as well. He grabbed some toilet paper, wiped his bum, and proceeded to wipe in front as well. I had to laugh. Im not ready to potty train him (yes thats right, since its all about ME) but it sure was easier having him poop on the potty instead of in his diaper. He also didnt feel the need to yell "Stinky!!!!!!!!!" after he pooped today as compared to when he goes in his diaper.

This is sure an interesting age. I think today all chalks up to the luck of timing and me getting him into the bathroom quick enough, but it sure felt good to get him to go on the potty!!

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