Thursday, March 10, 2011

Quiet time

This morning I woke up around 7am and decided to get up and have breakfast by myself without a little person mooching off me. I had about 45 minutes or so until Eli would wake up, so I made myself breakfast, and as I headed towards the living room to sit down in front of the TV I decided to stop and sit at the kitchen table. I grabbed my bible and opened it up to James. It felt incredible to sit and read my bible in complete silence and just be.

After I was done I headed upstairs to shower and get ready. It was incredible to be able to get ready quietly, and have my own time! Ive decided that Im going to try and get up an hour early every morning so I can just that quiet time. The whole day has felt way better, just because I had some me time! I enjoyed it like crazy and Ive also had way more patience. God given grace and patience!!


E. Tyler Rowan said...

I hear ya! When I am woken up by kids demanding that I meet their needs before my eyes are even open, the whole day starts off on an irritable and impatient note. I love my morning quiet time!

Lindsay Bateman said...

awww...that is awesome karla! :) it is SO important to have you time and i am so happy that you are embracing it! love you girl!