Thursday, October 20, 2011

Running Room

For the longest time I've wanted to learn how to run! I know a few moms who have started running, and have gotten into incredible shape! Plus they enjoy it!

So today after chatting with a few of the moms at one of my moms groups about running, and where to start Ive decided to do something about it! I looked up the clinics that the running room offers, and I signed up for one! Learn To Run! Which I need to do. Its a 10 week clinic, and it sounds like it covers alot of information! Im so excited about it! Especially since I'd like to use winter and the cold weather as an excuse to not do it, but Im really not going to do that!

I start on Monday and Ill keep you posted on how it goes! If anyone wants to join me, let me know! Its always nice to have a running partner! It was reasonably priced too!!

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