Thursday, November 3, 2011

My 2 year old

November all ready! I cant believe it! Time is flying, and the seasons are changing! Although I hate the snow and cold, Im actually looking forward to it. With the change of seasons I feel like my life is in a season of change. Its exciting, and kind of scary! I feel like God has really been changing me. Its exciting!

Halloween was on Monday as most of you know, and we dressed Eli as a skunk. He loved it, was running around the house saying "Happy Hallowoooon!!!" We went to the local rec center and they had tons of stuff going on there! Eli loved it! It was a special time to spend together the 3 of us.

The other night I went over to visit my older sister and her husband as well as their little baby Micah. Eli loves his new cousin, and the things he says are too funny and beautiful all at the same time! He was sitting at the table eating supper and I was talking to my sister and brother in law. But I heard Eli kind of talking quietly, so I listened. "Dear God, thank you for Mummy, thank you for baby Micah. Amen." It warmed my heart, and it was the most beautiful thing I think Ive ever heard!

On Monday morning Eli came and woke me up, and told me "Just get up, Mommy!!!!!" "Mommy, just get out of bed!" So as I pulled myself out of bed he said to me, "Sip of milk, mommy?" I said, "You want some milk, Eli?" He replied, "Sip of milk from mommies boobie??" He watched my sister feed Micah last week when she was over visiting, so thats where he got it from... but I had to laugh, and told him no. He then asked why. I proceeded to tell him that God made it so mommies who have little babies have milk from their boobs to feed their babies, but that milks not for big boys like Eli. Oh man.

I love this age, however it is also very challenging. But so totally worth it!

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