Wednesday, April 25, 2012

An almost 3 year old's prayer

Each time Andy & I put Eli down for a nap or bedtime, we do the same routine. Book, lights out, prayer, and then since a song. Lately, the song of choice has been The Yellow Submarine. Dont ask me where he figured out this song (maybe my husband??) but we sing we all live in the yellow submarine. We also let Eli choose what colors the submarine is going to be. Its quite funny.

But one thing that Eli has started to do is ask us to pray for certain things. Generally, he asks for us to pray for his toys, his cars, his car shooter, just any of his toys. While I think its a bit silly to pray for his toys, we encourage him to say pray for them. He has started to do this. Let me tell you there is nothing that warms my heart more than hearing Eli pray, even if it is for his car shooter and his color changers. His prayers typically go something like this depending on the day: "Um, Dear God, I pray for my cars, and my car shooter, and the levers, and buttons. And um God, I pray for lightning Mcqueen, and sarge, and um the blue car, and the red car, (basically at this point he's stalling for as long as possible!!) and um God I pray for mommy & daddy.... in God's name, Amen." Sometimes it goes on for longer, and sometimes it shorter. But really, I cannot imagine what joy it brings to God's heart just to hear little Eli who isn't even 3 yet, praying... even if it is for things like his cars. I love to hear him pray, especially when he stops praying for his toys and starts praying for real people.

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