Saturday, September 1, 2012

1 month old & Eli's ears

Judah is one month old tpray. I really can't believe how fast a month has gone by! I had a check up for him yesterday and he is now 12pounds 4 oz! Clearly, he isn't going hungry! He is starting to who more signs of being a person, rather than just a baby who eat, sleeps and poops all the time. He is smiling more and more and attempting to make little noises. This makes the sleepless nights worth it!

This past week, Eli had a check up with the specialist for his ears. Upon getting there, Eli was extremely upset because he realized wha we were there for. He cried and cried and told me over and over that he didn't want the dr to look in his ears. Apparently appointment after appointment of holding a child down to lOok in his ears will traumatize him. Who knew!? Even after the nurse giving him a new hot wheels car and sticker he still was upset! Andy talked with him and told him the dr would look in his ears first. Sure enough dr Eksteen came in, and let Eli look in Andy's ears fits. He hen asked Eli if he could look in his ears. He let him!! No kicking or screaming, no crying. He sat on Andy's lap and let him look in his ears! I couldn't believe it! I was so proud! The dr said the tubes are still in there after 2 years, and I'd in 6 months time they haven't come out theyll have to go in to remove them. Apparently only 1% of kids hang onto them this long!! Crazy!! His ears looked great and there were no concerns! Music to my ears!!

This weekend is full of friends, family, getting my hair done (without a baby attached to my hip!!) and relaxing!! Andy has Monday off and I'm so looking forward to the family time together!

Ps I typed this on my iPhone so please forgive the typos!!

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