Friday, June 11, 2010


So today was our appointment for the naturopath. To be honest I wasnt looking forward to it because it was quite a drive for us. Eli did pretty good in the car, half an hour both ways. We got there 25 minutes early because I wasnt too sure how long it would take us to get there! At any rate it went well. Well for the most part!

When we arrived I had to fill out 3 sheets of information of the past information and such. There was a small toy box, and Eli got right into it, but since his latest thing is not playing with the toys but pushing the box (or whatever he can!!) around thats what he set out to do. Up and down the hallway. He was down right mad when I told him he couldn't go down the hallway any further, and he started loosing it! Temper tantrum. It was so embarassing! I fed him, gave him some crackers, all he wanted to do was push this stinkin' box around. So finally, I held him and we looked out the window and at one point he started loosing his cool again, and then it happened... he started hitting me! I Couldn't believe it! I was so embarrassed at this point that I was ready to walk out and burst into tears! So when he started hitting me (on my chest!) I gently calmed his hand and held it to my chest and said, "Please dont hit, Eli. That hurts mommy." At one point it was obvious that I either startled him or hurt his feelings and his face totally changed and he started crying agian! What a gong show!

Okay onto how things went with the Dr. He was awesome! Passionate about what he does for sure, and great with kids! His wife is expecting a little girl (their third!) in just a few weeks! So he asked alot of questions, and he looked in his ears. The left one was a little red but he said it could be due to teething. He asked me if I noticed the small crease underneath his eyes, a small fold of skin. Yup, I see it. A sign of an allergy apparently, and since really the only thing he is seriously eating right now is formula. So he suggested to switch to goats milk or good start formula. He also said that the rash (which does look like eczema) could be a result of an allergy as well! Because his body may not be digesting everything the way it should be (due to all the antibiotics for the ear infections) his intenstines arent up to par and so therefore the food isnt being broken down properly and results in the skin issues! Who would've thought!? He said most babys like goats milk because it tastes like breast milk, personally Im not going to try it but lets hope Eli likes it because its $3.89 for a litre, compared to $28.99 for a tin of formula! Ill opt for the goats milk first!

So we'll cross our fingers. He also suggested getting some vitamin C into his system and more probiotics! Cross our fingers. My little bean is sleeping right now! Its been a long day, and Im glad its coming to an end soon!

Into the weekend we go!

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