Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Terrible . . . 1's?!

So since Eli has turned 1, I've noticed he has developed quite the attitude. This morning for example, I sat down with my bowl of cereal and his favorite thing to do when I'm eating is to come and mooch my food off me. So I shared my corn flakes with him. One scoop for mommy, and one scoop for Eli. Well we finished the bowl of cereal and when I got up to put it in the sink he lost it. Just lost it. I showed him the bowl and said, "Eli its all gone. There's none left." He folded himself in half on the floor and started screaming even louder! I asked him if he wanted his own bowl of cereal (why do I bother to reason with a 1 year old!?) and put him in his highchair for a small bowl of cheerios. I scooped some into his mouth and for the second scoop he wanted to do it. I told him I needed to feed him the cereal, and again he lost it. Started pouting and pushed out the biggest tears!

He's been doing this often. If he doesn't want what he gets he has a fit! I usually just tell him that when he's finished he can come and get me, and I'll leave him to have his fit while I continue tidying up or doing the dishes, etc. He'll stop within a minute or two but man its frustrating!

And the latest thing he's been doing is crying once he's in the crib. Sunday night he he cried and cried and cired. We finally brought him downstairs. Last night he did it again. We tried to calm him and nope, but as soon as we brought him out of his room he was a happy camper! Manipulation, and we gave in!! For his nap this morning he did the same thing. However, there is a huge consistency in each time this is happening . . . he's extremely tired, maybe over tired?

All I can say is I'm not looking forward to the terrible two's, cause the 1's are not getting any easier!! :-)

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