Monday, October 11, 2010

Tim Hortons

We had a super nice morning! Andy got up at 7am with Eli and let me stay in bed for another hour or so. It was nice! Then once I got up we went for a walk and got a coffee from Tim Hortons and then came home and played in the yard for awhile! Eli loves playing outside. He just wanders around playing with whatever he can. It was cool out this morning so we had to bring him in after 20 minutes because his hands were freezing and turning red!

He loved playing with Andys empty coffee cup! He loves pretending that he's drinking out of it! The cup is as empty as can be, so dont worry he's not drinking coffee! I also wanted to take some pictures for Katherine to see because the jacket he's wearing is from her. He got it for Christmas last year and its the perfect fall jacket!

1 comment:

Lindsey Whitney said...

Love Tim Hortons. The weather was great here too. Nothing like some fresh air!