Sunday, April 3, 2011

Been too long

Its been too long, sorry to my faithful readers! But here I am, ready to update you!!

Over the past 10 days or so Ive sat down to write but nothing comes to me. My head space was in a different area last week, but after getting some things sorted out Im feeling much better!

These days Im feeling so blessed. God is so faithful to us, and continues to provide for us. This last week as Eli was eating lunch he said to me, "Jesus?" Which he actually means "Lets pray?" As in grace. Eli does this multiple times during breakfast, lunch and supper. We'll pray at the beginning of our mealtime and then continue eating. Well generally half way through Eli asks to pray again, and so we'll say a quick pray, and on we go. Lately, he's been asking multiple times to pray during mealtime. This specific day he asked to pray and so I crouched down beside his chair and said a quick pray. Finishing with Amen, he says to me "Go??" Which means "Where did (something) go?" He says this while raising his hands in the air like he's asking. I said "What, Eli? Where did what go?" He just kept repeating, "Where, go??" I asked again, and he kept asking me again. I still dont know what he is talking about, but Ive heard some really neat stories about small children claiming to see angels, or other spiritual things... I dont doubt in my mind that he might've seen something. Jesus talks about faith like a child, and it blows my mind that Eli at less than 2 years old already has faith... he requests to pray all the time, while we're in the car he sings "Jeeesus" to the worship songs, and loves looking at his bible story book. It warms my heart.

This weekend, I had my first cleaning job. I went on Saturday afternoon around 1:30pm, and it took me 5 hours to clean almost their whole house.  I was exhausted by the time I was finished, but it sure felt good. It was also nice walking out with cash in my hand, and them having a clean house. I go back in 2 weeks. My other clients that I have I start with this Saturday, so that'll be nice aswell.

All in all its been a good weekend. Busy, but good!

Hopefully Ill have more to write about this week. I wont keep you in suspense for 10 days again... talk to you soon!!

ps. Remember comments are always appreciated!!

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