Saturday, July 2, 2011

Its a hit!

The big boy bed has been a hit!! He really hasnt had any issues! When we put him down he will generally get up and pull at the door and then once he hears one of us coming upstairs he runs back into bed and thinks he's in trouble!! Its kind of cute, because we've never indicated that if he gets out of bed he'll be in trouble, but back he runs. It reminds me of being a kid, and I know exactly what he's feeling!!

His sleep hasnt been interrupted in any way, shape, or form! In fact, both nights he slept in later than usual! His nap time yesterday was incredible, over 3 hours!! Makes me so happy, I cannot even express! I had alot of people caution me and tell me not to do it, that if he wasnt officially climbing out to leave him in the crib. This caused me to be extremely anxious, but one thing Ive learned is that I need to trust my "mom gut". When it comes down to it, I know whats best for my child, even though Ive never done this before. Eli is the trial and error kid I suppose... mind you Im sure child #2 will be as well!!

Andy is doing his motorcycle training course this weekend, so Eli and I are spending lots of time together. Im really enjoying it! We got groceries this morning after sleeping in, then came home, set up his swimming pool and he played in the water for a bit! He was so happy to be in the water splashing around!!

A funny thing happened yesterday as Eli and I were getting ready to go to my parents place. One of Eli's favorite lines is "Papa, fights fire!!" When I told Eli we were going to visit Papa & Grandma, I said "Does Papa fight fires, Eli?" He said, "No." I asked "Oh, what does Papa do then?" He proceeded to make a siren noise like a fire truck. Had to laugh, kind of neat association he has. 

Here are a few pictures of the past few days, and what we've been up to!

1 comment:

Denise said...

So glad the transition to big boy bed went so smoothly!