Monday, July 23, 2012

41 Weeks

41 weeks. Thats how pregnant I am... according to my LMP (last menstrual period) according to my early ultrasound that I had when I first found out I was pregnant they said my due date was around the 20th of July... so technically I may not really be 41 weeks. I could just be hitting my due date, having a fully cooked baby now.

Last night I thought might have been the night. We were watching TV and I was having some very regular contractions, nothing worth timing, but they were coming. I showered and still had them coming, but when we went to bed they stopped, and upon waking up this morning I realized Im still pregnant. Throughout the day today Ive had some contractions, and now this evening Im having some as well. Again, at least my body is doing something to warm up and getting ready!

My appointment with my midwife went good, blood pressure was great, weight was only half a pound put on, and baby is very clearly growing because for the past few weeks I've measured at 41 weeks, and this week Im measuring at 42 weeks. Baby hasn't dropped, however she did comment on how I look like Im carrying lower, and he's still sitting on my pelvic brim.

Plan of action? We continue to wait. Which Im more than happy to do. Ive had so many people ask me if and when Ill be induced. I continue to stand by my choice that I cannot honestly say I will even consider consenting to being induced. Its not even an option for me, not with how things went with Eli. So we wait, wait, wait... Im feeling good and theres no reason why I have an issue with waiting!

Ill continue to keep you posted!!

1 comment:

arnie&bekah said...

I love your patience and your determination to stand by your conviction, I pray this baby comes at the exact time that it is ready!